Tuesday, September 16, 2008

BEARY Sweet Blog Award

I am truly blessed by all of my blog readers! I have created this special blog award as I am inspired by each and every one of you!
Here are the ways that you can accept this award:
1) If you receive, “The BEARY Sweet Blog Award”, you must post these regulations.
2) After receiving the award yourself, you MUST choose 6 people to also receive the award from you.
3) The recipient must link back the creator: Jennifer @ http://homemadegourmetmeals.blogspot.com
4) A posting must be shared on your blog about your award winning!
5)The ways to receive the blog award must also be posted….
How do you receive the “BEARY Sweet Blog Award”?
· Inspirational Blog
· Blog updates at least 2 times each week
· Show faith
· Have a positive attitude on life
· Make mistakes
· Share real life stories/experiences
· Enjoy Blogging
With me being the creator of this award, I had a very hard time selecting the people that I wanted to pass the award to. However, here are my selections:
Thanks for being such a very special friend of mine. I would have never thought that I could make such a special person through just a blog. It has been fun getting to know you. I appreciate how much support you have been to our family! Can't wait to meet your new addition!
I appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that you put into designing the blog for my twins, Addelynn and Alexander. It was such a pleasure to work with you. Your patience and cooperation are greatly appreciated!
Thanks Carrie for all of your communication and positive comments on my blog! It is always fun to look forward to your posts and comments :)
WOW! What a super friend I have made in you! We have learned together what a small world this can be. I appreciate everything that you have done to make me feel welcome in the land of blogging! I hope that I can continue to make mealtime easy for your family!
It has been a pleasure getting to know you! Drew and Jake are just absolutely adorable! I know that Addelynn and Alexander will enjoy getting to know them like I have enjoyed getting to know you. Thanks for all of your computer assistance over the past year!
Finally, a friend that I have met through blogging that lives so close to home! I can't wait to get to know you better.
Outstanding Blog!!!!!!!!! I have truly enjoyed reading your blog everyday. It is very inspirational and a pleasure to read. You always find something to share that is positive!
Very special blog of mine. I am praying for you everyday! Please know that your blog has been one of my favorites for a long time!
Another blog friend close to home. Amy, your blog has been enjoyed by so many people here around town. I have found so much information out about your family, things to do in Huntsville, and met many friends through your blog. Thanks for all that you do to make a difference!
Thank you for your friendship over the years. It has been fun getting to know you. Together, we have had our ups and downs, but we together can do anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been an amazing experience meeting you through your blog. Who would have thought that I would make such a good friend through a NICU blog link! Ansleigh is a cutie! Can't wait to get to know you better!
I have not known your blog for very long. However, my family enjoys to read it as my husband is a meteorologist. Thanks for all your hard work!
Congratulations to each and everyone of you! Please know that you have touched my heart in many ways! Now, it is your turn to share the award with your favorite blogs. Have fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO much Jennifer!!! I enjoy reading your blogs as well, although they are so new to me. Love the chats on IM. :)